July 15, 2010

Fate keeps to her status quo

I made little mention of is here, for I am lazy and shiftless, but sometime not so long ago I met a lady, a woman, whom I was most impressed by, even intimidated by. She was described by a friend as "perfect on paper", and while I shy from calling anything or anyone perfect, things were going well. I was pleased with her and she with I.

Clearly it was here that Fate decided to step in and fuck things up.

For reasons that I will not go into here because they are not my reasons to make public, things took an unexpected turn for the worse. This is no one's fault. I did nothing wrong, she did nothing wrong, this is just a shitty situation that there was no preparing for and hurts all the more for it being just plain unfair.

I have not spoken to her in nearly two weeks. For the first week, I was just plain, old-fashioned depressed. A case of the blues made no better by my insistence on listening to the actual blues all week. No appetite, little joy found in anything save a good book and a little Zero Punctuation.

It's now the second week. I intend to send out a sitrep request soon, but I will give it a bit more time. Rushing this can only make things worse. Still, I am much better this week. It feels good to back in my own self again. If things go badly from here, I will be ok. Not happy, but ok. I can't ask for much more.

I hope that things will go well, but they don't have to. If this goes well and then goes badly again or takes a different turn for the worse, it likely will be more than a week to recover.

Regardless, in the face of this uncertainty, I say wholeheartedly: Bring your shit, Fate. Bring your biggest disappointments, your harshest turns, and your most crushing defeats. I will endure them and I will live on, no matter what you throw at me. If things turn for the worse, I will sing songs and tell tales of the time I did have with her, for every second I had with her was worth the pain I feel now.

Of those seconds, may there be more.

1 comment:

Annie said...

Sushi date? I'm quite blue this week as well.