July 28, 2008

Work can huff my nuts.

Yes, work is frustrating. It is, however, even more frustrating when you are kept idle and bored most of the time. Many a person has told me I'm an idiot for complaining about being bored at work, but each and every one of those people is fucking wrong. If I've been busy for days, weeks, months at a time, then having some down time is fantastic. Unfortunately, when work is the break and down time is the norm, boredom becomes unbearable you bastards.

This is a subject I have gone back and forth on here at work, that being what to do. As an amateur writer, I can often fill my time working on novels, my abortively bad short stories, or lately on my D&D campaign. However, if we reach a point that my muse is taking one of her week long smoke break (stupid bitch), then I'm up ye olde creek you never want to be up sans paddle. The only plus of this situation lately is that since I am seated in a fairly unpopular section of the building I don't really have to pretend to be working much and can fairly obviously just do whatever while I wait to actually get work.

Work may change. Maybe if I beg enough I'll actually get work. Maybe not. And don't think for a second that if a better option appeared I wouldn't leap with great enthusiasm at said option. There may be an option to work with my father doing what I actually trained for in college coming down the pipes soon, possibly. Maybe not, but that's a thought.

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