March 22, 2011

Of Mice and Me, Part III

So remember how I said Facilities came and got my dead mouse? Well, they lied to me. The mouse and its stench remained. I complained many times and was ignored so eventually I took it to my boss and told him "fix it, I'm working from home till it's over." Even after my freaking manager gets involved Facilities tried to play it like there wasn't the smell of rotting dead thing in my cube. My boss then played the "I'll CC everyone who can fire your stupid ass on this next email". Then, and only then, did the actually nice people in Facilities show up. And tell me to GTFO of my cube. Seriously, they moved me.


No, really, awesome! I got moved from a cube with a view that was right next to a conference room and had foot traffic going by it all the goddamn time to a cube with half a view and zero foot traffic. I'll miss seeing 100% of the outside, but I'm stuck in a corner where no one can see me unless they walk all the way back here and the all the way into my cube. Freaking sweet. I'm so happy back here I even have some comics back up! My only actual complaint is that I have to walk forever to get to a hot water source that works for my tea, but aside from that, I am pleased.

So, live mice, dead mice, and now? New cube. I like how this turned out.

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