June 24, 2009

Working on the weekends

One of the things I actually like about the company that I work for is that they never asked me to work on the weekends. Until recently. We were in a team meeting and the pregnant question of "who's free on Sunday" was asked. Being the youngest member of the team and the only unmarried member of the team, I sighed and threw myself on that grenade. I figured, you know, one time thing, that's cool.

I've just been signed up for the fourth weekend so far, the second in a row.

You know, I know I'm supposed to be stuck with this kind of job, being the lowliest member of our team in basically every way, but still! I just hope that my working all these weekends with a minimum of whining counts something good towards my yearly review or something. This is, of course, assuming I still have a job in a week.

BTW, my company is officially being sold in about a week. No one knows what will happen. It's an exiting time to be me! And if you believe that, I have a bridge I'd like to sell you.

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