April 8, 2009

Publishing: fail.

So my first submission to a publisher has been rejected. This is not surprising. Everyone gets rejected initially, and I am no different. It's unhappy, sure, but I'm really not that bad off. Given the craptacular state of the world, including the publishing industry, it's extremely hard to get published. This is all part of the process. It's not like I've stopped writing.

I've decided that, while looking for a literary agent, I'm going to adjust my focus to trying to submit short stories. Apparently, they're a better way to break into the industry than whole novels. If you've been following my writing blogs, you've probably seen my shorts slowly evolving from pieces of crap to less crappy bits (or you think I'm just a horrible writer). I haven't posted some of my better works because I'm going to be submitting them to different online and paper magazines.

As I submit to different places with short stories I'm sure I'll update with my new blog feature: Rejection Watch! I've already been rejected by two publishers, so let's see how high I can get that number! If I get rejected by agents, I'll count those towards my Rejection Watch as well. And, yes, I'm turning rejection into a joke, but it's much more fun to find this amusing then to actually get upset or care.

Worry ye not... I'll be published someday.

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