November 25, 2008

A new and irritating question

Getting published, like fo' reals, is riding high on my mind right now. I'm not entirely happy with being employed as I am, and though the money is good, I don't feel entirely satisfied with where my life is. I would like to be able to make my hobby, writing, if not my job, at least a profitable hobby. I've been writing for several years now. Though some of my writing is bad, I have mostly found my voice, and am getting pretty good at writing stuff that is potentially publishable. What's the problem?

I like my writing blogs. I like having the ability to have a thought, write it out, and publish it on the web immediately. I like my micro stories, since they're mostly too short to be considered for publishing. It's quick, it's easy, and it's fun. I like my assigned projects, I like the weird shit I come up with while bored in meetings, I like it all. So what's the problem?

As I get better at writing, I find my micros to be growing. Not just a little, but hugely. Now these little scenes in my head are, rather than simply being a scene, are becoming entire stories. Not all of them, obviously, but some are reaching lengths, and we're talking nine thousand (!!!) words here. That's actually an upper limit for some publishers of short stories. Suddenly I'm writing things that are possibly of publishing quality and are also large enough to consider submitting.

So the problem is, where do I draw my blog line? I don't think I'll ever stop trying to write micro stories, but if I'm writing possibly publishing worthy short stories here, what do I do? Not blog them? That would seem obvious, but one click publishing! That's a lot less red tape than the formal publishing route.

Mostly I think I'll keep blogging stories as I see fit, only keeping the occasional particularly good idea to myself for attempted publishing. Maybe the way it'll work is I'll submit the piece, and if it's rejected then post it. That sounds reasonable. One question I do wonder about is if things that have been published via blog are immediately disqualified for real publishing? Not sure about that. I'll have to ask my writing sources.

More on this later as I find answers to my questions.

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