September 30, 2008

Getting published online ain't easy

There's a general rule of publishing: Money flows to the writer. Anything else is usually a scam or vanity press. However, almost everything one can easily find on the internet has reading fees, or contests with entry fees, or some other combination thereof. There are agents a plenty who are trolling the internet desperately seeking new writers who are suckers so that they can get reading fees, editing fees, etc, out of these people who don't do their research. Really, when it comes to getting published, even with short fiction, everything is just as much of a pain in the ass as trying to get a novel published.

Fortunately I don't make decisions lightly, so before I get to the point of sending off my short stories somewhere, I research the website. So far I haven't found any legitimate, or at least "reading fee" free sites on my own. I've been sent to a few places that actually have reasonable submission guidelines and no fees, but they're usually not specifically after my typical writing style, modern fantasy, so I don't want to waste their time or mine with submissions that will just be rejected. So I'ma keep looking.

As always, I'm open to suggestions.

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